We are patting ourselves on the back today because we got Emma’s 7 month blog post up before she turns 8 months! It’s a BIG win for us over here ;) With our sweet girl becoming more and more active, it’s harder to sit down and get things done around here! (I’m sure every parent can relate to this!) She get’s bored pretty easily and instead of playing with toys, prefers things like water bottles, cups, and bowls! We have to take turns entertaining her and moving her from one activity to another. Our house officially looks like a toy store exploded inside but we wouldn’t have it any other way! She’s way sturdier when she sits but will still fall over from time to time so we have to keep a close eye on her!
Emma’s personality continues to shine through and she has the best facial expressions (you’ll see some of our favorite ones here) She has also become very vocal which includes high-pitched squeals when she’s really excited! Speaking of excitement, she now fully recognizes us and gets so excited when she sees either one of us, although we’re pretty sure she get’s even more excited when she sees Vic (Daddy’s girl ALL. THE. WAY!) Food is her favorite thing but she still nurses so well and thankfully after all these months we’re still going strong with breastfeeding and some supplementing with formula. She’s getting chunkier now that we’re feeding her more solids and we’re loving how her belly and cheeks are filling in! Whenever we take her anywhere people stop and always compliment her hair, which is truly one of our favorite things about her! She gets so happy when she sees other babies or kids, which was great when we had our friend Natalie visit with her baby Huey and our friends with their 3 kids visit us this past month!
The time continues to pass us by and although most of these images are taken with our iPhones, we still love being able to document her growing up and having all these awesome memories in one place! Here are some of our favorite moments and memories with our Emma girl from her 7th month:
- She is so smiley although when you first meet her she’s got the most intense stare! She warms up to most people after about 10 minutes!
- Emma loves looking at dogs but her boy Peanut is the one that puts the biggest smile on her face!
- She officially sits unsupported although she has fallen back a few times and bumped her head (oops!)
- Avocados are still her favorite veggie and bananas are definitely her favorite fruit!
- Her “viejita” (old lady) face is the BEST! You’ll see some examples of it in the photos below!
- Emma has tiny feet so really there are only one pair of shoes that fit her right now (you’ll see a few outfits with the same shoes haha)
- Although there are symptoms of teething, no teeth have actually popped through yet, so we’re still playing the waiting game
- She is starting to scoot on her belly but there is still only some movement on her end (although we’re sure she will be full on crawling very soon!)
- Her smile is contagious and lights up our whole day! The amount of love we feel for this girl is unreal and we’re so glad God chose us to be her parents!
Her favorite foods: avocado and banana!
That viejita face is too much!
Two outfits with the only shoes that fit her tiny feet!
With her friends Thalia and Huey :)
This face!!!
And the one day it was cold this month we had to pull out this set she got from her great grandma!
She’s FOR SURE a Daddy’s girl!
Thank you to our friends Luke and Ashley for these updated pics of us and our best girl!
And we are just DEAD over these last few images! We’re donut lovers so this onesie and headband were both gift for her before she was born!
And her viejita face strikes again!
With her boy Peanut!