It’s a MIRACLE!! We’re actually sharing Emma’s 5 month blog post while she is still 5 months old! It’s primarily because we’ve slowed down just a tad and are all caught up on editing and delivering galleries (praise the Lord!) So now, as Christmas approaches, we’re able to really enjoy the holidays and celebrate our first Christmas with Emma! But before we get to the Christmas celebrations, we’re excited to share updates on our little lady during her 5th month of life! And what a crazy month it’s been!
Right after Emma turned 4 months, we took her to the Dr. for her checkup. Thankfully everything looked great except for one thing: her weight. From 2 months to 4 months she didn’t gain any weight… literally not even an ounce. Her head circumference grew, her height grew, she has met all her milestones but she was still weighing 10 and a half pounds at 4 months old. Naturally, we were very concerned and just couldn’t comprehend why she wasn’t gaining any weight. So we were told to start supplementing with formula to up her milk intake and help her gain more weight. She was exclusively breastfed up until that moment and at first, we felt devastated having to give her formula, we realized FED is best! So that feeling quickly dwindled away and we just focused on giving Emma more milk. She’s gained some weight since then but she’s still a very petite little lady. Thankfully she’s healthy and thriving which is the most important thing!
So without further ado, here are our favorite moments and memories from Emma’s fifth month:
- Emma started sleeping through the night right before Thanksgiving! She dropped the middle of the night feeding all by herself and now sleeps 11-12 hours at night! We couldn’t be happier about that!
- This girl has a fascination with her feet! Holding them, chewing on them, just lifting them in the air, she loved her feet!
- She continues to be a happy and chill baby!
- We got her ears pierced and we cannot get over how cute she looks with her little earrings!
- She celebrated her first Friendsgiving with our friends and Thanksgiving with all our family
- We got her first Christmas tree at a local tree farm and she loved looking around at all the trees!
- Emma laughed for the first time and our hearts exploded :)
- She’s teething pretty heavily now although her first tooth hasn’t actually come out
- We are starting to see her little personality come out and the joy she continues to bring to our lives is unreal!
- She recently discovered how loud she can scream so that’s been fun LOL
The obsession with her feet is real! She fell asleep in the car holding her foot :) The picture on the left is wearing my sweater from when I was a baby!
This was the day she got her ears pierced and we can’t even deal with how big and beautiful she looks in this picture!
Peanut is still her favorite and she loves looking at him and touching him!
Our second annual Friendsgiving dinner!
A family selfie while getting our Christmas tree!
Being her momma is the best thing in the world!
Someone sent our sister Liz this blanket with Emma’s name on it!
There goes that foot again!
And this face is just too funny!
We’re not lying when we tell you that these matching outfits were completely accidental!
Our first Thanksgiving as a family of four including our furry guy!
She can’t sit up on her own just yet, but we’re almost there!
We just can’t with this girl and we’re really not sure if we can love her more!