This blog post is one we’ve been waiting to write for months and the absolute hardest secret we’ve ever had to keep! I’m sure just by looking at the images you can guess what’s coming next… WE ARE PREGNANT!!! Our greatest adventure is about to begin and we couldn’t be happier for this precious gift...
Rosathat video made me cry. So happy for you! i know what it’s like to deal with an irregular cycle and lots of waiting. So glad you guys got the best gift for christmas. may god continue to bless your family :)
PattyIn tears !!!! We have such a kind kind god! So excited for you guys! God bless this season of Your lives and this baby to be!
MaisonSo, so, soooooo happy for you guys!! COngratulations! And praise God <3 You are going to be absolutely amazing parents! Baby is So blessed already :)
MelAhhh i dont know Why but im here tearing up. Yoi are all so loved and this baby Will be loved double that. So beautiful to see the joy everyone felt for this huge news. Babies are treasures and reward from God. We are blessed to be able to raise them. THis will be one of the biggest blessings in your life. Enjoy this moment while baby is groWing and enjoy this moment of just being a party of two because soon when baby arrives you will be a beautiful, crazy, hectic, loving, chaotic, blessed party of three (four because of peanut your dog). Congrats again! God has a plan and at times its hard to trust that plan but he has something perfect planned for all of us.
Rosa BCongratulations! So excited for you both!
Ruth ariasLiterally cried tHrough the eNtire video!!! God bless, protect, and keep that BEAUTIFUL baby in your womb!! Congratulations!!
Oneisis FriasGod is truly amazing!
IngridSo, my eyes filled with joy! Congratulations!!! God bless you guys and your new baby …. I’m really happy for you!