Elegant South Florida Weddings
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Emma’s 12th Month

Yep, we officially have a one year old and she’s no longer considered a baby but has moved on to being a toddler! Our hearts can’t handle it and even writing this post makes my momma heart a mess. It’s just unreal how quickly time flies when you have a little one! It’s hard to wrap our heads around the fact that we have a ONE year old who is just the best thing that’s ever happened to us. Emma has come such a long way from when she was born and her time in the NICU with doctors telling us they weren’t sure how her birth complications would affect her in the long run. But we have an AMAZING God who is so much a part of her redemption story! (If you’re not sure what we’re talking about you can read her birth story here) She has met all her milestones both cognitively and physically and is just a beacon of joy to everyone who meets her.

Emma has officially transitioned to one nap a day but that transition itself was a NIGHTMARE! Thankfully, she’s always been a rockstar sleeper and her nights weren’t affected at all. She’s an easy baby (when she wants to be) and has recently developed a little bit of sass and has had a few meltdowns when we don’t feed her. Emma has become very active and wants to be moving and entertained ALL day, which can be exhausting. She LOVES books and puzzles and has recently been very entertained with pompoms, well, for about 10 minutes and then she’s on to the next thing! The connection she has with her Dada is unlike any connection I’ve seen a little girl have and they love each other so much. She’s not very cuddly (unless it’s with Vic) and is very independent! She tried donuts for the first time during her first birthday photos and cake for the first time during her birthday party and I don’t need to tell you how much she loved it! Her love for food is unwavering, just like her parents!

This post is going to be LONG as we have so many photos to share from her 12th month including family photos with our super talented friend Melissa from A Little Story Photography, Emma’s first birthday party, and her first birthday photo shoot with our sister Liz. We love that her sweet and spunky personality is captured in all these photos and we just have to share them all! We hope you enjoy the Emma overload you’re about to experience :)


Emma’s first time at the park and she LOVED the swing!

Emma loves the beach and the pool and is a total summer babe! These sweet photos from our friend Melissa are some of our faves! Emma decided to skip her nap this day and was so serious but Melissa managed to get some smiles out of her during our quick session :)These next photos were taken by our sis for Emma’s first birthday! These are our FAVORITE! We just CAN’T DEAL! Fun fact: This dress Emma has on was mine when I was a baby and my mom kept it for over 30 years!This donut smash was the best! Emma ate these donuts like she’d been doing it all her life! This face! We also celebrated Vic’s first Father’s Day and I gifted them this set of matching shirts! If you watch The Office you know what these mean!Their bond is so sweet and special! Now on to the photos of Emma’s first birthday party! We had it at our home and invited only our family over to celebrate! It was obviously donut themed :)It was Emma’s first time trying cake…And as you can see, she loved it! The face on the left KILLS us! HAHAHA! Just look at our big girl!

One whole year of loving this sweet babe and it’s been our best year yet! We love you Emma Grace :)

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This trend 🥹

What a beautiful journey this has been and we’re just so grateful for the way the Lord has moved in our lives and business. 

We’ve learned so much along the way and are filled with gratitude for the life we live 🩷
We help them build a timeline 🙌🏼

Here’s the deal: most of our couples have never gotten married before and aren’t sure how much time is needed for photos of each portion of their day.

That’s where we come in ☺️

We’ve shot about 200 weddings and we know how much time is needed to allow for photos to be captured without being in a time crunch and feeling flustered!

So we help take that burden off our bride’s shoulders and, if they’re working with a planner, we merge the timelines to make for a seamless wedding day 🫶🏼

The ultimate goal is for us to help relieve stress and for our couples not to have to worry at all about the logistics of photos on their wedding day!
We let them know that it’s totally normal to feel awkward the first 10-15 min of the session 😅

It takes the pressure and expectations off of them and helps them relax almost instantly! 

And it’s our job as their photographers to help them feel comfortable and at ease (even with a camera pointed at them) during our time together.

Making our couples comfortable (especially the guys, who normally don’t like photos lol) is top priority and sometimes letting them know it’s ok to feel awkward clears the air! 

Go ahead and share this with an engaged couple that needs this reminder 🙌🏼


Elegant South Florida & Destination Wedding Photography

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