We walked into the room and looked around for any familiar face. We had a wave of emotions come over us all at once; excitement, anxiety, and even fear. We were excited simply because of the fact that we were in that room among so many awesome creatives, anxious because we didn’t know what to expect, and fearful because we really weren’t sure we would fit in. There were so many amazing people in that one room that we only hoped to fit in, make friends, and feel the love we always felt from our online leader community. The good news is that we felt all that and even more! :) Almost every single person we encountered had a big smile and greeted us with hugs and genuine interest in us. After scanning the room for a few minutes we fell upon some familiar faces and found our places for the retreat to begin.
We left both days feeling refreshed, recharged, and ready to take on 2017 with our Tuesday’s Together group! There was laughter and then tears, lots and lots of tears. But we left San Fransisco stronger and more united then we had come in. We left that place feeling loved and welcomed, and with a bunch of new friends all over the country. Each day there were leaders that shared their hearts, gave tricks and tips to better our groups, and showed us that we are not alone. This idea that started out because there were people who felt that there had to be something more than just a lonely entrepreneurial life, sparked a movement that is taking over the nation, and the world. Vic and I are so blessed to lead our local Tuesday’s Together group and be a part of this movement that is so much bigger than ourselves! Thank you to Natalie, for being our fearless leader, and leading The Rising Tide Society into its next chapter this year. And to all the amazing RTS team for putting together this retreat, you all are amazing! A special thank you to the talented Laura and Rachel for taking all the amazing pictures throughout the retreat. Here is a little recap of The Rising Tide Society leaders retreat!
We were welcomed with champagne and the cutest swag bags! Thank you Honeybook for opening your doors and letting us invade your space during our first day!
Opening up Day 1 :)
That’s my girl, Vanessa, on the right!
And we stopped for 5 minutes to do some stretching!
Then they split us into teams to create and brainstorm together on a project to help us with our groups. The best part was that every single group had the same exact idea. So Honeybook and the entire RTS team were pretty much asked to create Facebook for the Tuesday’s Together groups!
The second day started with a ton of tears as Natalie opened her heart to us about RTS and the direction we are going this year.
And the tears continued as we spoke on heartfelt topics like inclusivity within our groups! Thank you all the members on the inclusivity panel for being so open and honest with us!
Workshops started in the afternoon once we came back from lunch
And Jenna Kutcher closed it out for us on Day 2 with some more crying and a change of outfit! One of the best talks I’ve ever heard and she truly inspired every single person in that room!
This girl right here is the bees knees and we are so happy we met her. She truly is as genuine and caring as she seemed online. We love you Natalie!
Of course we had to take one quick photo with our CONNECT Retreat friends! :) Can’t wait to see them all again in May!
This retreat was absolutely amazing and we are SO glad we took the time to go all the way to San Fransisco to be a part of it. We cannot wait for next years retreat and we are so excited for what’s going to happen in our local Tuesdays Together group this year!